Form­Follows­Finance Nr.4

Social Loft

Date: 30.11.2022/18-21 o'clock
Format: impulse lecture
Moderation: HyperWerk Labs
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Eik Frenzel
Eik Frenzel

Eik Frenzel

Dreier Frenzel Architecture + Communication, Lausanne
Dreier Frenzel Architecture + Communication, Lausanne

Dreier Frenzel have been active as architects in teaching, theory and practice since 2008. Honoured with the Vaud Prize for Building Culture and the Suisse Art Award, they are committed to communicating architectural content on a wide variety of levels. With their project for the Jonction eco-neighbourhood in Geneva, they have explored new potentials in collective housing construction and sought architectural answers for experimental forms of living.