reset! Nr.11

Basel Library Mile

Panel discussion with: Robert Barth, Former Head of the BSc Information Science programme at HTW Chur; Gaby Keuerleber, Novartis Centre of Excellence for Design & Construction Management / Knowledge Sharing & Change Management; Kirsten Langkilde, Director of the University of Art and Design / FHNW; Gerhard W. Matter, Cantonal Librarian of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft; Gabi Schneider, University Library Basel, Deputy Programme Manager SUC P-2 (Scientific Information: Access, Processing and Storage) of Swiss Universities

Date: 02.07.2015/18- o'clock
Format: Panel discussion with experts from Northwestern Switzerland and Robert Barth
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
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