reset! Nr.6

Spacing Library. Appropriation practices of knowledge

Date: 21.05.2015/18- o'clock
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Nicolaj van der Meulen und Jörg Wiesel
Nicolaj van der Meulen und Jörg Wiesel

Nicolaj van der Meulen und Jörg Wiesel

FHNW, HGK, Institute of Aesthetic Practice and Theory, Basel
FHNW, HGK, Institute of Aesthetic Practice and Theory, Basel

Prof. Dr. Jörg Wiesel. 2011-2013 Professor specialising in cultural studies and performance at the Institute of Fashion Design and in the Masterstudio Design. 2007 Habilitation at the FU Berlin with a thesis on the cultural history of piracy. 2005-2010 Visiting professor at the Institute for Theatre Studies at the FU Berlin. Doctorate with a thesis on theatre and monarchy in the 19th century. Lecturer, research assistant and assistant at the universities and colleges in Kiel, Giessen, Basel, Zurich and Berlin. 1986-1988 assistant director at Schauspiel Dortmund. 1984-1990 studied theatre and literature in Munich.

Prof. Dr. Nicolaj van der Meulen. Habilitation with a thesis on image, space and performance in the late baroque sacred space of Zwiefalten. 2010-2012 Head of the research project "Shaping the Future. Das Bild als Generator von Innovation." 2009-2012 Coordination of the Master's programme "Iconic Research and Visual Communication". 2009-2010 Collaboration with the National Centre of Competence in Research eikones, University of Basel. 2002-2007 Assistant and lecturer at the Department of Art History at the University of Basel under Prof. Dr Gottfried Boehm. 1998-2000 Doctorate with a thesis on the temporality of cubist images. 1990-1998 Studied art history, philosophy, theology and church history.