First installation for Lonza AG in Stücki Park Basel in the head-end building of House A on Level 7.

Lonza AG

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First installation for Lonza AG in Stücki Park Basel in the head-end building of House A on Level 7.

  • Client
  • Swiss Prime Site Immobilien AG
    Swiss Prime Site Immobilien AG
  • Location
  • Basel
  • Mandate form
  • Architect
  • Status
  • Abgeschlossen
    In Planung
    In planning
    In Umsetzung
    In realisation
  • Services
  • Interior design
  • Duration
  • 10.2015
    0 Days
Lonza AG

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Lonza AG

Six biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) laboratories, meeting rooms, a kitchenette including a lounge and offices were realised on an area of approx. 1,000 m2. Different office categories were requested, ranging from individual to open-plan offices.

The structure of the floor plan is already predetermined by the basic structure of the building. The laboratory setting is located on the east façade, in the lower wing of the building. Laboratory sizes of 45-65 m2 are thus achieved. The associated ancillary rooms, such as the kitchenette, server room and a meeting room, are positioned in the secondary zone. The offices, the lounge and the large meeting room are located on the west and south façades. By separating the laboratory and office areas via a sliding fire door and gate, a unit is formed that promotes communicative and productive collaboration between the individual areas.

In terms of materials, the design of the rooms is limited to a simple, bright and straightforward appearance. The rooms were furnished by the tenants.

Project information

  • GV SIA 416 m3
  • 3'150
  • GF SIA 416 m2
  • 1'073
  • Nutzfläche m2
  • 999
  • Baumanagement
  • S+B Baumanagement AG
  • Fotografie
  • Michael Fritschi


  • Statik
  • Rapp Infra AG
  • Elektro
  • Pro Engineering AG
  • HLK
  • Scherrer & Partner GmbH
  • Sanitär
  • Sanplan Ingenieure AG
  • Bauphysik
  • Ehrsam Bauphysik AG
  • Brandschutz
  • Visiotec Technical Consulting AG
  • Laborplaner
  • BakerHIcks AG
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